Raised Bed Gardening Fairfield County Ohio
The liaisons of The Association serve as a connection between OAGC and another entity or as an internal position dedicated to OAGC. Liaisons are appointed by the president-elect with executive committee approval and do not have a term limit.
Archival Manager Diane Daniels oagcarchives@gmail.com
The Archival Manager is responsible for assembling minutes, financial reports and other documents designated by the executive committee in preparation for permanent storage. The archival manager will hold documents for binding into book form (preferably by the decade) and arrange for storage that will provide safety and accessibility in heat and humidity controlled conditions.
The official OAGC Archives are preserved at the Ohio History Connection's (formerly the Ohio Historical Society) Archives/Library in Columbus. If you wish access to the OAGC Archives, contact the Ohio History Connection by phone at 614-297-2510 or by email atreference@ohiohistory.org for an appointment. To access the OAGC Minutes Archives, request Collection #MSS 1512. To access the OAGC Garden Path Archives, request Collection #635.905 G 168.
The Garden Path, editor – Sally Ruth oagceditor@gmail.com

The editor of The Garden Path is responsible for the production of The Association's official quarterly publication whose subscription is a benefit of membership. It is the responsibility of the editor to prepare and edit material pertinent to the activities of The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Inc. With the assistance of state officers, state department chairs, regional directors and guest writers, The Garden Path promotes the many facets of garden club activities. Publicity news of upcoming regional, county and local club activities are to be submitted for inclusion in the "Via the Grapevine" column. Club members who have passed away will be remembered in the "In Memoriam" column.
Ohio State Fair Flower Show Liaison – Jim Chakeres – jchakeres@ohiopoultry.org

Ohio State Fair Liaison
The Ohio State Fair Flower Show liaison in the connection between the Ohio State Fair Board and OAGC. Ohio State Fair Flower Show Liaison duties include writing the Ohio State Fair flower show schedules, publicizing and encouraging participation in the flower shows, securing judges and coordinating all efforts with the Ohio State Fair board.
Wahkeena Nature Preserve Liaison – Tom Shisler – wahkeena@att.net

Wahkeena Liaison
Wahkeena Nature Preserve is located six miles south of Lancaster, Ohio in Fairfield County on the edge of Hocking Hills. Carmen Warner, an OAGC member and Nature Study Camp creator, turned the rundown hill farm into an oasis of beauty and named it 'Wahkeena' a Pacific Northwest Native American word meaning 'most beautiful'. This outdoor education area was willed to the Ohio Historical Society in 1956 and is used for nature study and a preserve for birds and other wildlife. The 150 acre nature preserve features interesting flora, including great rhododendron and mountain laurel; and about 33 types of ferns including Christmas and maidenhair. The property also features sandstone cliffs, part of the famous Black Hand sandstone, and is forested primarily with tulip trees and oak. Twelve native orchids have been identified here, including the showy orchid and pink lady's slipper.
Website Liaison – Linda irwin
In 1990, OAGC acquired their own registered domain name and started a website under the guidance of Jan Harmon. Newly redesigned in 2016, the www.oagc.org website continues to be a vital source of information and helps keep The Association's membership linked and up-to-date no matter where they may be in the world. The webmaster is responsible for designing and maintaining the OAGC website.
Raised Bed Gardening Fairfield County Ohio
Source: https://www.oagc.org/about/our-liaisons/
Posted by: zanderspronful1972.blogspot.com
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