
How To Get To Sorceress Garden

Zybez RuneScape Help's Autumn Tree Image
  • 1.0 - Introduction
  • 2.0 - Getting Started
  • 3.0 - Requirements and Rewards
  • 4.0 - In the Gardens
  •     4.1 - Garden Walthroughs
  •         4.2.1 - Winter Garden
  •         4.2.2 - Spring Garden
  •         4.2.3 - Autumn Garden
  •         4.2.4 - Summer Garden
  • 5.0 - Frequently Asked Questions

1.0 - Introduction

Osman, chief spy for Al-Kharid, needs your help! He craves the juices of Sq'irk fruit grown by the Sorceress to the south. Previously, Osman had no problem accessing this fruit, but due to a recent falling out with the Sorceress, she has cut off his supply.

Osman can no longer even locate the garden, which he believes to have been magically hidden. In Sorceress's Garden, he asks you to find the garden and take the fruit for him, and in exchange, he will impart his knowledge of thieving.

2.0 - Getting Started

If you have completed the Prince Ali Rescue quest, speak to Osman outside of the Al-Kharid Palace. He will explain his situation to you. Following this, go to the Al-Kharid bank and withdraw a Pestle and Mortar and several empty beer glasses. From the bank, go south-east to behind the palace, where you will find a small house.

In the small house, speak to the Apprentice, whom, with some persuasion, will teleport you to the Sorcerer's Garden. You will only need to persuade the Apprentice once - after the first time, you can right click for the 'teleport' option. You may then enter one of the gardens to try and find his fruit.

Note: If you don't have any beer glasses, search the two bookcases nearby to the Apprentice for them.

3.0 - Requirements and Rewards

Before you can begin this mini-game, you must have finished the Prince Ali Rescue quest. Furthermore, each garden requires a different thieving level to enter.

Name Thieving Level Required
Winter 1
Spring 25
Autumn 45
Summer 65
Zybez RuneScape Help's Sq'irk Juice

In order to be rewarded for your time, you must take the glasses of Sq'irk Juice to Osman, who will grant thieving experience based on which juice you bring him.

Osman will take all of the juice that you have on you automatically when you talk to him. If you do not wish to gain thieving experience you can drink the juice yourself to gain run energy and temporary thieving levels.

Image Name Number of Fruit Energy Boost Thieving Bonus Osman's Reward
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Winter Sq'irk Winter Sq'irk Juice 5 5% +0 350
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Spring Sq'irk Spring Sq'irk Juice 4 10% +1 1,350
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Autumn Sq'irk Autumn Sq'irk Juice 3 15% +2 2,350
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Summer Sq'irk Summer Sq'irk Juice 2 20% +3 3,000

4.0 - In the Gardens

When you are in the garden, you must navigate your way to the fruit tree without being seen by the Elementals. If they see you, you will be teleported out of the garden. Once you arrive at the end, you may pick either one fruit or take two herbs (you automatically take two) before being teleported to the fountain. When you pick the fruit or herbs, you get the following farming experience:

Garden Image Fruit XP from Fruit XP from Herbs
Winter Zybez RuneScape Help's Winter Sq'irk Fruit Image Winter Sq'irk Fruit 30 50
Spring Zybez RuneScape Help's Spring Sq'irk Fruit Image Spring Sq'irk Fruit 40 50
Autumn Zybez RuneScape Help's Autumn Sq'irk Fruit Image Autumn Sq'irk Fruit 50 50
Summer Zybez RuneScape Help's Summer Sq'irk Fruit Image Summer Sq'irk Fruit 60 50

4.1 - Garden Walkthroughs

Keep weight to a minimum to allow for the most use of your run energy. To conserve energy run only when stated, holding the ctrl key and clicking will cause your character to run without having to turn on the run option. For maximum thieving experience, bring a Pestle and Mortar, and fill the rest of your inventory with beer glasses. You should also leave enough open spaces for the number of fruit required to make each drink (as shown in the table above).

The Elementals travel on fixed paths, but it is possible for these paths to deviate by player actions. A player can cause an Elemental to turn when it shouldn't, and therefore see players that it normally wouldn't. One particular important spot is in the Autumn Garden: the Elemental that travels north to south will often get caught in a corner from someone running too early. If this happens to you, simply log out, and the Elemental will resume its normal route. The Elementals can teleport 3 squares, but they will only teleport if you are directly in front of them. If an Elemental turns, it is blind for both the turn spot, and the spot immediately following, making more spots available than it may seem at first.

This method is neither the fastest nor most efficient route; rather, it is the safest. The faster methods require timing that is dependant on both your computer and internet connection, but they follow the same path, and simply skip a few of the safe spots.

4.2.1 - Winter Garden

The Winter Garden has the lowest level requirement of the gardens that you can access and is located to the west of the fountain you are initially teleported to. The Winter Garden is unique in that it is the only garden that the sq'irk tree and the herb patch are located in the same location. There are 6 Elementals in this garden but you only have to watch out for 4 of them.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Winter Garden Walthrough

1) When beginning this garden it is important not to move too far, as the starting point is next to a square that Elementals can see.

2) The first Elemental to watch travels in a counter-clockwise motion. Wait for it to pass by you and start heading north. Follow it north until you reach the alcove on the right, this is the first of the safe spots you come to in this Garden.

3) For this part you must watch two Elementals, the one that you were watching, and the one right above it traveling counter-clockwise around the L-shaped hedge. When both Elementals have passed your location run to the square on the inside of the L-shaped hedge, this is the second of the safe spots.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Winter Spirit Image

4) The next two Elementals to watch both travel in counter-clockwise paths. When both have passed by you follow the path of the Elemental that heads west, and make sure to stay behind the Elemental, following it around the bend where you then turn north and stop in the gap between the hedges; this is the last safe spot before you are at the end.

5) The final Elemental travels from east to west and back along the top, when it passes you heading east, go into the end of the garden to the west. From here, as long as you do not exit this area, you are safe from the Elementals. Take the winter sq'irk from the tree or head further south to reach the herb patch and you will be teleported back to the fountain in the middle of the Garden.

4.2.2 - Spring Garden

Zybez RuneScape Help's Spring Garden Walthrough

1) The first Elemental you come across heads north to south, wait in the southern part of the starting area until the Elemental starts heading south and follow it about halfway and go into the alcove to the east.

2) When the Elemental passes by you heading North go back into the path and head south and go around the corner, staying next to the hedge on the inside of the garden.

3) This part requires you to watch three Elementals. There is one that travels north to south, and two that travel in loops. When the Elemental that travels north to south starts to head north, and both Elementals that travel in loops have passed you, run north and turn into the first alcove you come to.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Spring Spirit Image

4) When the north-south Elemental walks by you heading north go north two squares and then east into the next part of the Garden.

5) Walk to the eastern part of this area without going south and wait for the Elemental that travels east to west to start heading east, when it does go around the hedge that is sticking out and stop on it's eastern side.

If you want to get Herbs take this path.

6a) When the east to west Elemental passes by you heading east run to the southeast and then north into a large alcove. From here you are safe and head south to pick the herb and you will be teleported out to the fountain in the middle of the Garden.

If you want to get Sq'irk fruit take this path.

6b) When the east to west Elemental passes by you heading east run to the southeast and then south into the area with the Spring Sq'irk Tree. Pick the fruit and you will be teleported out to the fountain in the middle of the Garden.

4.2.3 - Autumn Garden

The Autumn Garden is one of the most popular gardens as it has only one path to go and no mazes. The autumn Garden has many safespots, the most of which are located between the beginning and middle of the maze.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Autumn Garden Walthrough

1) The first Elemental you come across heads west to east, wait in the western part of the starting area until the Elemental starts heading west and follow it up about halfway and go into the alcove to the south.

2) Wait for the Elemental to pass you coming east and travel the rest of the distance up and turn south into the rest of the Garden. Head around the corner and south a little bit until you are by the next Elemental's path.

3) When the Elemental starts heading south run to the second alcove on the west side, when the Elemental passes you heading north run to the next alcove on the east side.

This next part is where most people fail.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Autumn Spirit Image

4) The safest time to travel this next step is after the two Elementals meet in the corner. When this happens you run around the corner and to the gap in the hedge between the east-west Elemental, and the Elemental traveling in a loop.

5) You have to watch two Elementals again, the one that travels the loop, and the one that travels east-west to the north of it. When the Elemental to the north starts heading east and the Elemental traveling in the loop passes by you run north and around the corner and into the alcove to the north.

If you want to get Herbs take this path.

6a) When the Elemental by you passes you heading east go around the hedge staying to the north side.

7a) Walk east staying out of the Elemental's path, when you reach the east side near the herbs wait for the Elemental to pass you heading west, and go around the hedge and pick the Herbs.

If you want to get the Sq'irk fruit take this path.

6b) When the Elemental by you passes you heading east, go south into the gap between hedges that is slightly west of you.

7b) When the Elemental to the south of you starts walking east walk to the Sq'irk tree in the garden, if the Elemental is about to cross the opening to the tree while still heading east you can either run to the tree or wait for it to start it's path over. Pick the fruit and you will be teleported back to the fountain in the middle of the Garden.

4.2.4 - Summer Garden

Zybez RuneScape Help's Summer Garden Walthrough

1) Wait for the first Elemental, traveling north-south, to take one step north, run north as far as you can and then west one square into a safe zone.

2) Walk as far north as you can without taking a step to the east, when the Elemental here is next to you going south run all the way north and east.

3) Walk as far south as you can without taking a step to the east, when the Elemental here passes you heading north run around the hedge.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Summer Spirit Image

4) Walk south so that you are next to the hedge but not in the open area, wait until the Elemental that travels in a figure eight is heading east and run to the west side of the hedge closest to you that the Elemental travels around.

5) When the Elemental passes through the gap in the hedge on its westward path run on the north side of the hedge and south again into the gap in the middle.

6) When the Elemental passes through the gap in the hedge (where you are standing) on it's eastward path walk behind it to the east side of the hedge.

7) When the Elemental in the figure eight is traveling west and the Elemental to the north is traveling north in it's L shaped path run to the square that is one square to the east of the point where the Elemental starts heading east.

If you want to get Herbs take this path.

8a) When the L-pathed Elemental starts to head north and the Elemental to the north of it is not facing south, run to the east and then south into the alcove and pick the Herbs.

If you want to get Sq'irk fruit take this path.

8b) When the L-pathed Elemental takes a step to the north and the Elemental to the north of it is not facing south run north, through the Elemental, and into the gap between hedges.

9b) When the Elemental here traveling in a loop passes through you and starts going north run to the west, and then south and west again into the open area. Pick the fruit and you will be teleported back to the fountain in the middle of the Garden.

5.0 - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get back to Al Kharid from the garden?

A: To leave the garden, you need to drink from the fountain (Picture).

Q: What if I run out of run energy, should I bring energy pots?

A: Energy potions are not required for this minigame. Each of the mazes can be successfully navigated without running, but requires more accurate timing, as well as waiting longer at safe spots.

Author: Spyder88 and Enviro

How To Get To Sorceress Garden


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